Samurai Flamenco Episode 16 subtleties


As mentioned by a Kotaku author and the Elephant in the poster (opposed to room,) Samurai Flamenco is known for its subtleties. Episode 16 has some subtleties you have missed.

I really have no intention on giving a summary of the episode, as I think people should support the show and watch it for themselves. Some should watch it more than once to catch these subtleties.


The surface narrative:

Momoi Sakura is an adulteress of not only previous men, but also Red Axe as well as noticed when Red Axe’s actual real wife appears. Or maybe his mother, but I doubt it.

Samurai Flamenco I was a previous crime fighter that helped somebody else, leading to another narrative that may be explored in the future.

It would’ve been cool if they had went to SPYAIR’s theme for the show as the episode was about friendship: Hazama and Goto; the Flamenco Girls.

The Hidden Narrative:

Red Axe may be a reflection of how crazy Samurai Flamenco has gotten as cued from his Hannibal Lecter restraining device. Further clues to this narrative include us, the audience not looking at a picture of Beyond Flamenco, but really Samurai Flamenco. Furthermore, Samurai Flamenco commits his first crime before turning himself in (to Goto, who subconsciously represents a reflection of the Prime Minister in the hidden narrative, as I had mentioned before.) Moe wears a comedic spoof on the King Torture mask to lighten the mood, or again is a part of this aforementioned hidden narrative.

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